May Be Ghosts
May Be Ghosts
A Brackeys Game Jam 2024.1 entry.
May Be Ghosts is an endless room runner; each room increases in difficulty until the player succumbs to the restless spirits.
"Doesn't this look like the room we were just in?"
Hold your hearts close to your chest. Hearts are the only thing of value in this place. The Heart Hoarders are powerful spirits that know this secret well.
"You will join them. It's only a matter of time."
Your iron chains protect you. Your flashbangs assault and repel spirits. You have everything you need to begin hording hearts...
Woah, you made it.
If you like this game, I stream development on Twitch here.
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Hey MayBeTall!
Let me first say I actually had quite a lot of fun slaying ghosts. The primary attack feels great to use, I can feel the range of it and time my attacks accordingly and the screen shake really adds to the feeling of weight behind it. Also the bigger enemy with sword looks really cool. There might not have been boss music but I could feel the boss music. I also like how telegraphed the spawns are. I feel like I am given more than enough time to react to the changing situation.
With that being said I do think there are some aspects of gameplay that I did not personally get much out of. While the sword enemy looks really cool, I did not feel like I had much of a choice in how I approached him. The tactic I used was ye ol' kite and spam. His attacks were just a bit too much for me to ever try to get up close to him and his speed made the contact damage a brutal punishment. The ghosts also did not pose too much of a challenge and I ended up training them like cod zombies and running in circles while I tried to multi hit with my sword (which is deeply satisfying).
Overall, great jam submission! I really like the sword combat and appreciate the controller support (I used controller and the twin stick controls were simple and satisfying). Keep up the good work I can't wait to see your future projects!
Thank you so much! I'm continuing the project after judging is complete!
I need to communicate to the player better that they are completely safe inside the Iron Circle. It blocks all damage. I didn't have time to make a shader that causes the boss / ghosts to be masked out by the circle, so there isn't any indicator to the player that they are safe. I may add a glow or outline around the player to show their invulnerability status.
My current plans for the game involve adding a second character that is a swordman sworn to protect the player. This will allow the player to focus on defense while the swordsman does offense. Special abilities will combo with the other character. The goal would be to make the swordsman feel like an extension of the player.